=”udiDataSize” type [...] size</param> <param [...] Visualization. At the moment
size where to store previous zoom level MAX_TEXT
¶ DatabaseSizeLimit (FunctionBlock) CheckForSizeLimit (Method) IDatabaseSize
VisuFbGroup _pstText [...] StructStaticTexts VisuFbGroup m_pStaticTextProperties POINTER TO VisuStructText
diagnosis visualization [...] of a text list. p [...] device diagnosis text
where the text is to be printed dwBufferSize UDINT the size of the
where the text is to be printed dwBufferSize UDINT the size of the
DataPtrChanged (Method) abstrSize [...] HoursIn12hFormat (Function) Recent IDateTimeLanguageTextTarget (Folder) AssignLanguageText
(Method) GetText (Method) GetText [...] ) private CheckBufferSize
ElementArray (Method) GetSize [...] DialogInterface (Method) GetDialogInterfaceSize [...] Result (Method) GetText