.IConnection Connection to use psRes POINTER TO RdtProtStructResPh Pointer to result phase
, starting at a given time [...] with a time stamp [...] to ulTimestamp are
to TON but with at [...] Measures the time as [...] time delay before Q
_AF_UNSPEC INT 0 Address [...] _AF_LOCAL INT 1 AddressFamily: local to host (pipes
value. To decide, which action has to [...] CaretPosition INT The current
Type NoOfEvents OpcUa_Int32 Events POINTER TO OpcUa_HistoryEventFieldList
OfDataValues OpcUa_Int32 DataValues POINTER TO OpcUa_DataValue
Address POINTER TO BYTE nDataLen INT siType SINT -1
Utils ¶ DateTimeCalculations ConvertSysTimeValueToLWord (Function) ConvertSystimedateTo
to time. The [...] GetTime [...] relative to the segment