DataServerSettings (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant Tag_Timeout_DriverBusy DWORD 16#1 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Timeout_DriverSyncShutdown DWORD 16#2 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Timeslice_DriverSyncShutdown DWORD 16#3 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Recover_ReconnectWaittime DWORD 16#4 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Recover_ErrorWaittime DWORD 16#5 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Recover_ReconnectBusyTimeoutWaittime DWORD 16#6 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Recover_IdentityMismatch DWORD 16#7 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Memory_StartReserveReadItems DWORD 16#8 Returnvalue is a DWORD Tag_Memory_StartReserveWriteItems DWORD 16#9 Returnvalue is a DWORD Tag_Recover_ReconnectCurrentWaittime DWORD 16#A Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds; This setting is not cached by the dataserver, will be asked after some recoverable errors; can overwrite other settings if the return value is <> 0 Tag_UpdateInStopMode DWORD 16#B Returnvalue is in fact a boolean. 1 -> Do updates in Stop mode, 0 -> Do nothing in stop mode Default_Timeout_DriverBusy DWORD 5000 Default_Timeout_DriverSyncShutdown DWORD 3000 Default_Timeslice_DriverSyncShutdown DWORD 100 Default_Recover_ReconnectWaittime DWORD 20000 Default_Recover_ErrorWaittime DWORD 30000 Default_Recover_ReconnectBusyTimeoutWaittime DWORD 3000 Default_Recover_IdentityMismatch DWORD 120000 Default_Recover_ReconnectCurrentWaittime DWORD 0 no overwrite of existing times Default_UpdateInStopMode DWORD 0 do nothing while stopped Default_Memory_StartReserveReadItems DWORD 100 Default_Memory_StartReserveWriteItems DWORD 100
DataServer_StructReplacementInfo (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DataServer_StructReplacementInfo : STRUCT InOut: Name Type pParentReplacementInfo POINTER TO DataServer_StructReplacementInfo arrName POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF POINTER TO STRING(255) arrReplacement POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF POINTER TO STRING(255) nCount INT
DataSourceShutdownFlags (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DataSourceShutdownFlags : InOut: Name Initial Succeeded 16#0 TimeoutOccurred 16#1
DataSourceState (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DataSourceState : InOut: Name Comment DS_New In this state only Initialize may be called DS_Initialized In this state only StartConnect may be called DS_Connecting While the driver is in this state, Connecting will be called. DS_Ready In this state, the driver is able to execute requests to its datasource. DS_Busy In this state, the driver currently is not able to execute requests to its datasource DS_ShuttingDown In this state only ShuttingDown will be called DS_Shutdown In this state the driver is shutdown and all allocated resources have been released DS_Error In this state the driver encountered an error that it cannot fix itself.
DataSourceTransactionResult (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DataSourceTransactionResult : InOut: Name TR_Ok TR_Pending TR_UnknownTransaction TR_Error
DriverInitConstants (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Constant CustomerMask DWORD 16#FFFF0000 DriverMask DWORD 16#FFFF Customer_Standard WORD 16#0 Driver_Unknown WORD 16#0 Driver_Monitoring_Standard WORD 16#1 Driver_OPC_Standard WORD 16#2 Driver_SymbolicMonitoring_Standard WORD 16#3
DriverInitInfo (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DriverInitInfo : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment dwDataTag DWORD identifies the kind of given initialization data dwDataVersion DWORD for extensibility of the init data dwDataSize DWORD size of the given data, correlated to dwDataVersion
ICallback (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICallback EXTENDS IGeneric -> IGeneric Methods: Callback GetInterface , inherited from IGeneric Structure: Callback (Method)
ICallback.Callback (METH) ¶ METHOD Callback InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input pParam POINTER TO BYTE A generic parameter, depending on the specific callback
ICredentialsProvider (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICredentialsProvider EXTENDS IGeneric -> IGeneric Methods: GetCredentials IsGetCredentialsFinished LoginFailed StartGetCredentials GetInterface , inherited from IGeneric Structure: GetCredentials (Method) IsGetCredentialsFinished (Method) LoginFailed (Method) StartGetCredentials (Method)