SOFTING_T_DP_AAT_DATA (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOFTING_T_DP_AAT_DATA : STRUCT InOut: Name Type aat_data_len UINT number_inputs USINT number_outputs USINT offset_input_output ARRAY [0..243] OF WORD
SOFTING_T_DP_BUS_PARA_SET (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOFTING_T_DP_BUS_PARA_SET : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment bus_para_len UINT 66..2^16-1 fdl_add USINT 0..125 baud_rate USINT DP_xBAUD_xxx tsl UINT see DIN 19245-1 FOR details min_tsdr UINT max_tsdr UINT tqui USINT tset USINT ttr UINT g USINT hsa USINT max_retry_limit USINT bp_flag USINT DP_BP_ERROR_ACTION min_slave_interval UINT 1..2^16-1 [100 micros] poll_timeout UINT 1..2^16-1 [1 ms] data_control_time UINT 1..2^16-1 [10 ms] reserved ARRAY [0..5] OF USINT master_user_data_len UINT 34..2^16-33 master_class2_name STRING(31) DP Master (CLASS 2) vendor name
SOFTING_T_DP_PRM_DATA (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOFTING_T_DP_PRM_DATA : STRUCT InOut: Name Type prm_data_len UINT station_status USINT wd_fact_1 USINT wd_fact_2 USINT min_tsdr USINT ident_number UINT group_ident USINT user_prm_data ARRAY [0..241] OF BYTE
SOFTING_T_DP_SLAVE_PARA_SET (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOFTING_T_DP_SLAVE_PARA_SET : STRUCT InOut: Name Type slave_para_len UINT sl_flag USINT slave_type USINT reserved ARRAY [0..11] OF USINT
EventIds (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant CMPID_CmpTargetVisu DWORD 16#52 ComponentID to specify for EventOpen EVTPARAMID_CmpTargetVisu_WindowCreated WORD 16#1 IDs for the event parameter structures EVTVERSION_CmpTargetVisu_WindowCreated WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpTargetVisu_WindowDestroyed WORD 16#1 EVTVERSION_CmpTargetVisu_WindowDestroyed WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpTargetVisu_WindowFirstPaint WORD 16#1 EVTVERSION_CmpTargetVisu_WindowFirstPaint WORD 16#1 EVT_WindowCreated DWORD (SHL(UINT_TO_DWORD(EventClass.EVTCLASS_INFO), 16) OR 16#3) <category>Events</category> <description>Event is sent when the target visu window is created</description> <param name=”pEventParam” type=”IN”>EVTPARAM_Application</param> EVT_WindowDestroyed DWORD (SHL(UINT_TO_DWORD(EventClass.EVTCLASS_INFO), 16) OR 16#4) <category>Events</category> <description>Event is sent when the target visu window is destroyed</description> <param name=”pEventParam” type=”IN”>EVTPARAM_Application</param> EVT_WindowFirstPaint DWORD (SHL(UINT_TO_DWORD(EventClass.EVTCLASS_INFO), 16) OR 16#5) <category>Events</category> <description>Event is sent when the target visu was painted the first time</description> <param name=”pEventParam” type=”IN”>EVTPARAM_Application</param>
Constants (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant NOTIFY_TAG_PAINTDATA_AVAILABLE DWORD 1 This tag can be sent to a targetvisualization instance to signal that new information is available that can be drawn from now on. This tag does not use the parameters at the moment.
EventParameter ¶ EVTPARAM_Application (Struct)
EVTPARAM_Application (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE EVTPARAM_Application : STRUCT <category>Event parameter</category> <element name=”pszApplication” type=”IN”>The name of the application that started the target visu window</element> InOut: Name Type pszApplication POINTER TO STRING
TargetVisuCyclic (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION TargetVisuCyclic : UDINT This function will be called cylically by the generic visualization libraries for active targetvisualization clients when it is supported by these libraries. The call is used for implementing a targetvisualization without the need for multitasking systems. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return TargetVisuCyclic UDINT Input dwTargetVisuHandle XWORD The handle of the targetvisualization instance that should be called.