VendorID : DWORD Property to its vendor
_CmpLog DWORD 16#13 ComponentID to specify for [...] _LogAdd DWORD 16#10001 Event
: DWORD Using this [...] for client code to [...] userdefined data to a DataItem.
to a known problem [...] DWORD 16#0 CharSet DWORD 16#0 This
Error ) //optional pointer to [...] Error ) //optional pointer to [...] Error POINTER TO ERROR
OptAlignment DWORD returns the alignment dwFlags DWORD [...] if pText points to
IOL_STATUS to type [...] _Status DWORD IOL_CALL-FBs [...] , encoded in a DWORD
OptAlignment DWORD returns the alignment dwFlags DWORD [...] if pText points to
Strings POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] RecipeVariableNames : DWORD Returns the [...] to create a table
ExternIdCL DWORD External ID [...] ExternIdSV DWORD External ID [...] Type Ticket to link to the