of the device [...] of the device [...] Size Size of the supplied
Grid4 : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] ] OF LREAL aII ARRAY [0..4] OF LREAL a
degrees of freedom. InOut [...] position of each axis [...] of the values is
degrees of freedom. InOut [...] position of each axis [...] of the values is
identification of the sockets established. InOut: Name [...] _count UDINT Number of
the description of an alarm group InOut [...] Name STRING The name of the
configuration states of the second joint a1 of Kin [...] _only InOut: Name
configuration states of the second joint a1 of Kin [...] _only InOut: Name
capabilities of Master its Ports InOut: Name [...] ID of the Master
device name is out of [...] of the device diagnosis generator. InOut