_only InOut: Name Type nNumOf [...] > <element name=”nNumOfOperations” type=”IN”>Number of
of a subdevice [...] Id Id of the device [...] of the device to
(PARAMS) ¶ InOut: Scope [...] INITIAL_NUMBER_OF [...] number of class 3
_StandardSymbolicMonitoringInit3 : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] memory is configured
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Gets the number of [...] List_Of_Object_Property_References-Property of this BACnet
direction of the GPIO pin [...] or not used InOut [...] GpioNumber UDINT Number of GPIO
FileRead : __XWORD Read number of bytes out of the file InOut: Scope Name
Timestamps of the specified file. InOut [...] of the file t
_COM_DIAGNOSTICS : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Bus_Off_Cnt WORD usMsg_Time_Out [...] Reserved ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE
maximum values of the [...] approximation of the output [...] centigrade (output OUT