InOut: Name Type Comment nNumOfOperations UDINT Number of
end of file)! InOut [...] check, if end of file [...] End of file is only
: The value of OUT is out of range of [...] : Function block in FBD InOut
analyze a expression of [...] components of the [...] value FALSE. InOut
out of two segments [...] out of range, or is [...] performed. InOut: Scope
identification of a slot of a PROFIBUS DP-slave. InOut [...] Version of the data
_IF_GET_STATION_NAME_CNF_DATA_T : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] of the current NameOfStation. abNameOf
describes a list of cam [...] an input of MC_DigitalCamSwitch . InOut: Name Type
, consisting of a number of consecutive phases. InOut [...] of the trajectory
_DIAGNOSTICS : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Bus_Off_Cnt WORD usMsg_Time_Out [...] Reserved ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE