ConfiguredBaudrate : UDINT Change the configured baud rate of the master
. InOut: Scope Name [...] Store UDINT The number of [...] stored in the
device in the BACnet [...] device address of the targeted device in the
instance of the test [...] _AND_TIME InOut: Scope Name [...] _AND_TIME The value to check
instance of the test [...] _AND_TIME InOut: Scope Name [...] _AND_TIME The value to check
instance of the test [...] _AND_TIME InOut: Scope Name [...] Value DT The value to
instance of the test [...] of type STRING In [...] .MAX_STRING_LENGTH) The value to check
. @param deviceId Id of the device. @param subdeviceId Id of the sub
the tuple {device [...] where to place the [...] graceful shutdown of the
of the device [...] reading of the pi [...] out from the device