when a variable will [...] the variable as [...] address of the former
called when a variable [...] variable as known by the [...] address of the value
symbolic IEC variable [...] VarAccess3 (Interface) VarAccAppendVariable (Method) VarAccBeginVariable
pointing to a variable [...] (Property) Address [...] ) ValueAddress
UINT 16#83 TAG_TrcVariableAddressFlag UINT 16#21 TAG_TrcVariableAddressArea UINT 16#23 TAG_TrcVariableAddress
table (variable or [...] ) STRING_LENGTH_ADDRESS [...] length for address in
variable of a record [...] the trace variable [...] address of the
address pData and a [...] other variable. Sys [...] other variable if we
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.VariableInformationStruct3 Pointer to the variable
E address, a buffer for [...] variable S [...] variable _ui