RecordLimitReachedUDINT SetEmptyTimestamp [...] RecordLimitReachedUDINT (Method) SetEmptyTimestamp
format to timestamp in [...] information</param> pdwTimestamp [...] =”pdwTimestamp
timestamp in seconds to a [...] _IEC_RESULT Input dwTimestampUtc DWORD <param name=”dwTimestamp
State , inherited from IAlarm GetTimestampAcknowledge , inherited from IAlarm GetTimestampActive , inherited from IAlarm GetTimestamp
State , inherited from IAlarm GetTimestampAcknowledge , inherited from IAlarm GetTimestampActive , inherited from IAlarm GetTimestamp
timestamp is expected to [...] _REF_ETC_BASE_SM3 Input Timestamp_ns ULINT The timestamp
SrcId UDINT internal use ulTimestamp UDINT Timestamp of
BACnetTimeStamp BOOL Input timeStamp
Name Tag Timestamp Value [...] ) Timestamp (Property