called from VISU_TASK [...] .IVisualizationClient The object
from VISU_TASK In [...] object representing
time of a task. The [...] steps of this task [...] task with a longer
object Input pf [...] : ASYNCJOB_TASK, ASYNCJOB [...] task by name with
BACnetStaticObject [...] -Object. All Properties [...] reflected BACnet-Object
16#F2 ConnectionConfigurationObject [...] Initial IdentityObject 16#1 MessageRouterObject
runnning. TLR_E_EIP_OBJECT_TASK [...] 01F0034 MessageId: TLR_E_EIP_OBJECT_TASK [...] /IP Object Task is
task configuration [...] configuration editor, in the
RegisterObjects.project . // Called in an IEC task PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR myObject [...] MessageRouter.Register ( myObject