UserMgrUserAddInfoToUser [...] UserMgrUserAddInfoToUser [...] logged in user. This
UserMgrUserGetInfoOfUser [...] UserMgrUserGetInfoOfUser : DWORD Retrieves the
The user to search [...] _EditType The user edit type [...] The found user data
_ReturnValues Returns the user with the specified user [...] The user to search
_ReturnValues Returns the user with the specified user [...] The user to search
Name WSTRING the user name [...] password of the user wst [...] password of the user
Name WSTRING the user name [...] password of the user wst [...] password of the user
Name WSTRING the user name [...] password of the user wst [...] password of the user
_IEC_HANDLE Retrieves the user handle [...] _IEC_HANDLE Handle of the user or [...] UserMgrGetSessionUser
get the first user of the user group [...] _OK: First user in the