3_CNC.SMC_TRAFO_Tripod_Arm dPos ARRAY [0..2 [...] Positions ARRAY [0..5] OF SMC_Vector3D alpha ARRAY [0..2] OF
ARRAY [0..2] OF LREAL beta ARRAY [0..2] OF [...] _Depictor_Data InOut: Scope Name
maschine dPos ARRAY [0..2] OF LREAL d [...] Positions ARRAY [0..5] OF SMC_Vector3D
RailJoints ARRAY [0..2] OF SMC_VECTOR3D [...] PlateJoints ARRAY [0..2] OF SMC_VECTOR3D [...] JointPositions InOut: Scope Name
ARRAY [0..1] OF SMC_VECTOR3D [...] intersections (0, 1 or 2) and an array of
center dP2 : Y [...] center dP2 : Y [...] axis (in rad) d
das String Array in [...] das String Array in [...] das String Array in
Len1 UDINT pSt2 POINTER TO [...] CmpArrayAccess (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CmpArray
in an array of [...] value in the array In [...] ICompactTextListInfo2
ParseArray [...] ParseArray [...] for CmpArray