IEC61850_AT_TimeStamp phsABHar ARRAY [0 [...] 61850_MAX_NUM_HAR] OF tyIEC61850_AT_VECTOR phsBCHar ARRAY [0
ChannelType USINT !< 0x00 TYPE OF [...] x01 reserved bSizePositionOf [...] AND position OF the
bit (mirror of usiMessageSendCounter.7) mdData ARRAY [0..63] OF BYTE
macAddress ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE MAC address of the adapter
Address ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE MAC address of the [...] -negotiation capabilities of
size of the bitmap [...] right corner of the [...] ArrStaticElementBuffer POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0
CharWidths POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF BYTE pby
OctetString ARRAY [0..1] OF USINT [...] DevParaLen UINT length OF whole
Instructions ARRAY [0..252] OF [...] number of words
ARRAY [0..0] OF VUM [...] index of the user in