SDOConfig : INT Adds a Co [...] SDOConfig INT Input wIndex WORD bySubIndex BYTE
InstancePaths : INT Compares two [...] InstancePaths INT Input p1 POINTER TO BYTE First
TranspColor1 BYTE 16#FF First [...] TranspColor2 BYTE 16#FF Second [...] Angle INT Angle of
NetVarPDO_Rx INT p [...] VarPDO_Rx_Udp nNetVarPDO_Tx INT [...] VarPDO_Tx_Udp bByteSwap BOOL dw
_IEC_HANDLE Socket Id iPort INT [...] TO BYTE Address of
Instance POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] BYTE Pointer to Get [...] BYTE Pointer to Set
VisuClientObject POINTER TO BYTE p [...] VisuHandler.VisuStructEvent iElem INT
WhichVariable INT The 0 based [...] Value BYTE The first color
WhichVariable INT The 0 based [...] Value BYTE The second
_Bit Iec_Byte Iec [...] _Lword Iec_Sint Iec_Int [...] _AnyBit Iec_AnyDate Iec_AnyInt