used to directly read n [...] TO BYTE pointer to
InitMethods POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] NativeElementMethod nInitMethods INT [...] UpdateMethods POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0
PastMarker to nReadPos -1 are [...] is designed to [...] _ToolCorr - providing a pointer to an
BufSentences POINTER TO SMC_GSentence Pointer to the sentence buffer n
> Function to increment [...] given pointer by n [...] the value to the
> Function to increment [...] given pointer by n [...] the value to the
TO Trj_CacheSlot n [...] OfElemObserver pElems POINTER TO Trj_CacheElem n
to provide a [...] >IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Try to [...] nSize range</li
has index n [...] GetEntryCount, to be able to get
(corresponds to \(c\) ) lrN [...] space according to [...] to Hesse: \(ax