WORD to reverse [...] ReverseBitsInWORD [...] ReverseBitsInWORD
) ¶ FUNCTION ntohW : WORD Converts a word from network to host byte
_LWORD (Function) PVOID_TO_WORD (Function) WORD_TO [...] PVOID ¶ DWORD_TO
_LWORD (Function) HANDLE_TO_WORD [...] _HANDLE (Function) WORD_TO [...] HANDLE ¶ DWORD_TO
_DWORD (Function) GRAY_TO_WORD (Function) WORD_TO [...] ¶ BYTE_TO
Dword (Function) PackBitsToWord [...] Dword (Function) PackBytesToWord [...] Packing ¶ PackArrayOfBoolTo
given word to the [...] ServiceWriter.WriteWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteWord
given word to the [...] IServiceWriter.WriteWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteWord
given word to the [...] TaggedServiceWriter.WriteWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteWord
Value WORD The value to [...] Assert_Word [...] Assert_Word