IMPLEMENTS STO.IStorage2 [...] Randomness StorageGetIndexId StorageGetTableId
IAlarm2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IAlarm2 EXTENDS [...] CurrentValue , inherited from IAlarm GetID
IDataServer2.Get [...] id when it is [...] dwItfId DWORD
LatchVar1Value (Method) GetLatchVar2 [...] AlarmGroup (Method) GetID (Method) GetInternalID
StructCmdHandleClientAns2 (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE StructCmdHandleClientAns2 [...] structures below asID
AlarmRepeatCount UserIdCommentActive UserIdCommentActiveAck UserId
TypeDesc_Executable2 [...] InputArguments POINTER TO CmpOPCUAStack_Interfaces.OpcUa_NodeId [...] OutputArguments POINTER TO CmpOPCUAStack_Interfaces.OpcUa_NodeId
: AddressConcept , ADDR_TO_ID , ID_TO_ADDR ) In [...] _SYSTEM_TYPE 1 = DP, 2
IStorage2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IStorage2 [...] Methods: StorageGetIndexId
OpcUa_ProgramDiagnostic2DataType (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_ProgramDiagnostic2 [...] Type CreateSessionId