BufferedFileStream (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL BufferedFileStream IMPLEMENTS IStream A buffer that can be either used for reading or writing (but not both) Methods: FB_EXIT Flush Init Read Reset Write Structure: FB_EXIT (Method) Flush (Method) Init (Method) Read (Method) Reset (Method) Write (Method)
DataStorageItems ¶ ACP_NextBufferedStream (Function) ACP_PutBufferedStream (Function) ACP_PutBufferedStreamGetErrorMessage (Function) ACP_StringFromStream (Function) ACP_StringToStream (Function) ACP_TypedValue (Struct) ACP_TypedValueFromStream (Function) ACP_TypedValueFromString (Function) ACP_TypedValueToStream (Function) ACP_TypedValueToString (Function)
FileHeader (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE FileHeader : STRUCT InOut: Name Type dtCreated DT
FileStorageBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FileStorageBase EXTENDS AC.Module InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input sArchive STRING ‘%CHANNEL_NAME%’ parameters xDoubleStorage BOOL FALSE udiMaximumFileSize UDINT 0 Properties: ArchiveBaseName Methods: Close CloseCheckDependant Init OnResetOrigin OnResetOrigin2 Open Put CloseFile GetErrorMessage OpenFile ReadHeader WriteHeader Structure: Close (Method) CloseCheckDependant (Method) ErrorHandling GetErrorMessage (Method) Init (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) OnResetOrigin2 (Method) Open (Method) Put (Method) private ArchiveBaseName (Property) CloseFile (Method) OpenFile (Method) ReadHeader (Method) WriteHeader (Method)
IP_FileStorage (Image Pool) ¶ ID File name Image Link type ASCIIFileStorage16 ASCIIFileStorage16.bmp Embedded ASCIIFileStorage32 ASCIIFileStorage32.bmp Embedded BinaryFileStorage16 BinaryFileStorage16.bmp Embedded BinaryFileStorage32 BinaryFileStorage32.bmp Embedded
IStream (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IStream Methods: Read Write Structure: Read (Method) Write (Method)
HelpFunctions ¶ ACP_AllTypes (Union) AddLoggerEntry (Function) BitsRequired (Function) CallbackClose (Function) CallbackOpen (Function) CmpAlphabeticallyCI (Function) CmpArrayAccess (Function) CmpInstanceComponent (Function) CmpInstancePaths (Function) Compress (Function) CreateString (Function) Extract (Function) FileExists (Function) FindAtAddress (Function) FindInString (Function) GetUnusedFilename (Function) HexDigit (Function) HexValue (Function) IsEnglishLanguageCode (Function) ParseArrayAccess (Function) StartsWithCI (Function) StrCmpAlphabeticallyCI (Function) StrLen (Function) StringLiteral_To_String (Function) StringTokenizer (FunctionBlock) String_To_StringLiteral (Function) String_To_TypeClass (Function) String_To_TypedValue (Function) ToUpper (Function) TypeClass_IsInteger (Function) TypeClass_IsSigned (Function) TypeClass_Size (Function) TypeClass_To_String (Function) TypedValue_To_String (Function) convertandcopyvalue (Function) copypointerstring (Function) copystring (Function) copytypedvalue (Function)
ACP_AllTypes (UNION) ¶ TYPE ACP_AllTypes : UNION InOut: Name Type b BOOL byt BYTE w WORD dw DWORD lw LWORD f REAL lr LREAL ws WSTRING t TIME lti LTIME d DATE dti DT tofd TOD si SINT i INT di DINT li LINT lda LDATE ltofd LTIME_OF_DAY ldti LDATE_AND_TIME
AddLoggerEntry (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION AddLoggerEntry : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return AddLoggerEntry BOOL Input lc UDINT sLog STRING(255)
BitsRequired (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BitsRequired : USINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return BitsRequired USINT Input uli ULINT