Input iPointCount INT [...] TO ARRAY [0..0] OF [...] Center POINTER TO VisuStructPoint
the elapsed time [...] . This might lead to [...] case of a cycle time
serves to read the [...] ErrorInstance POINTER TO BYTE Points to the function
BlockSize INT 22800 Block [...] to be encoded
_VUM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_USER INT 10 The maximum [...] to
OfElements OpcUa_Int32 Elements POINTER TO OpcUa_ContentFilterElement
OfElements OpcUa_Int32 Elements POINTER TO OpcUa_RelativePathElement
TO ARRAY [0..0] OF [...] RegistrationData nCount INT
_VUM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_USER INT 10 The maximum [...] to
_VUM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_USER INT 10 The maximum [...] to