is used, if the [...] device is not known (for example, if no
Errors.library): ERR_PARAMETER if hPacket is not a valid handle, or if psz
. IF file does NOT [...] access. IF file does NOT exist, Open
_OK if all of the [...] returns ERR_FAILED if the slave could not
_SUPPORTED, if option is not [...] _SUPPORTED, if option is not [...] _SUPPORTED, if option is not
Errors.library): ERR_PARAMETER if hPacket is not a valid packet handle, if the
_WRITE If file does not [...] , if no path is [...] name. If a file
_WRITE If file does not [...] not with a [...] examples: AM_READ If
property returns if the [...] Enabled flag. If [...] not supported on
property returns if the [...] Enabled flag. If [...] not supported on