an IP address in [...] -word access ulAddr UDINT IP-address
Datalink BACnet IP datalink. A BACnet IP datalink [...] IPdatalink obtains the IP address
endpoint defined with ipAddr [...] error message. ipAddr IP_ADDR IP-Address
_AIF_xxx in GVL IpAddr INADDR Ip address in [...] Mac ARRAY [0..(ADAPTER_INFO_MAC_ADDR
ARProperties UDINT ulRemoteIpAddr
SockHtons()! sin_addr INADDR IP
Ready BOOL ipFrom IP_ADDR [...] can arrive. ip [...] PortFrom indicate the ip and port
From IP_ADDR ui [...] . ipFrom and uiPortFrom indicate the ip and port
_AIF_xxx in GVL IpAddr INADDR IP address in [...] Mac ARRAY [0..(ADAPTER_INFO_MAC_ADDR
5001 GET_MASTER_FSOE_ADDR [...] reset GET_DEVICE_PARAMS 1 get device