of axis a0 is 0. X [...] : dX = 0 dY = 0 dZ = 0 X Along the X
of axis a0 is 0. X [...] : dX = 0 dY = 0 dZ = 0 X Along the X
evaluated at x = 0 to [...] Inherited from pef0 [...] evaluated at x = pef1^.l
: dX = 0 dY = 0 dZ = 0 X Along the X [...] of both axes are 0
: dX = 0 dY = 0 dZ = 0 X Along the X [...] of both axes are 0
polynomial pv(x) = sum(0 [...] ] * x^i) InOut: Name
position x dvx LREAL 0 [...] (x,y), output of [...] dOffsetX LREAL
NumberOfCommunicatingSlaves UINT 0 x [...] Type Initial Input x
evaluated at x = 0 to [...] Inherited from pef0 [...] evaluated at x = pef1^.l
evaluated at x = 0 to [...] Inherited from pef0 [...] evaluated at x = pef1^.l