LogMessage : UDINT InOut: Scope [...] LogMessage UDINT Input udiSeverity UDINT stText STRING
VisuCount INT Input st [...] VisuCount : INT InOut: Scope
Comment Input EN BOOL [...] input. IF a data [...] stored in the variable
PathBuildingNode Input stPath STRING [...] PathBuildingNode InOut: Scope Name
InOut: Scope Name [...] LenUntil DINT Input pst POINTER TO STRING st
InOut: Scope Name [...] LenUntil DINT Input pst POINTER TO STRING st
) ¶ PROGRAM Test_PRG InOut: Scope Name Type Input [...] state Test_State st
Dlg_GetPasswordString STRING Input st [...] Dlg_GetPasswordString : STRING InOut: Scope
] OF LINT Input st [...] the used textids in the texlist st
ArrayAccess INT Input pSt [...] . InOut: Scope Name [...] Len1 UDINT pSt2 POINTER TO