IRMPService.Receive (METH) ¶ METHOD Receive : UDINT This method is called by each module that is able to receive a message it takes the oldest received message for uiReceiverID and acknowledges it. Returns 16#FFFFFFFF if there is no message waiting for the receiver. Returns 16#FFFFFFFE if there is at least one message waiting for the receiver, if the oldest message is currently locked by a different task. In all other cases, the communication address of the sender is returned. A possible call semantic could be: udiRec := Environment^.rmps.Receive(uiReceiverModuleID:=UDINT_TO_UINT(ComAddress AND 16#FFFF), pmd:=ADR(mdData)); Where udiRec returns the address of the module/communicator from which the message was received. Accesing this function was done using the environemin any module implementing IModule . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Receive UDINT Input uiReceiverModuleID UINT The (local) address of the receiver, which equals the first 16bit of the ComAddress (see AND 16#FFFF) pmd POINTER TO ARRAY [0..63] OF BYTE The message data buffer to write to
IRmpService2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IRmpService2 EXTENDS IRmpService Interface implemented by the RMP (Reliable Message Protocoll) service Methods: GetIsActionOngoing SetIsActionOngoing Structure: GetIsActionOngoing (Method) SetIsActionOngoing (Method)
IRmpService3.GetComFBForComAddress (METH) ¶ METHOD GetComFBForComAddress : IRMPFBCommunication This functions returns the communication FB used to communicate to or from a given Module ComAddress of a Module. ..note: If communication FBs are not used for communication this function will always return 0! ..return: If FB communication was used and a FB communicating to or from the given ComAddress exists the correspnding FB/Interface is returned If no communication FB is available 0 is reutnred. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetComFBForComAddress IRMPFBCommunication Input udiModuleComAddress UDINT The ComAddress of the Module for which the CommunicationFB shall be received
RMPBufferedMessage (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE RMPBufferedMessage : STRUCT The structure representing a message buffered in the RMP (Reliable Message Protocoll) InOut: Name Type Comment udiReceiverID UDINT Receiver ApplicationID+ModuleID udiSenderID UDINT Sender ApplicationID+ModuleID uiHandle UINT Is unique handle and indicates send order; only Bit0-14 are used byStatusBits BYTE Bit0: TRUE: this buffer entry is unused Bit1: TRUE: this buffer entry is locked and may not be freed or deleted by anyone except the owner THIS ENTRY MUST BE SET WITH TESTANDSET Bit2: TRUE: editing is ongoing tValidity TIME Time distance, how long this message will bevalid tExpirationTime TIME time,(TIME()), when message expires mdData ARRAY [0..63] OF BYTE data
RMPConnection (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL RMPConnection This function block is used internally by the application composer during generation. This function block represents a connection between different composer applications using the RMP (Reliable Message Protocoll). InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input uiRemoteAppID UINT Application ID of receiver pMessage POINTER TO RMPExchangeData Pointer to the message that is transmitted between the 2 apps xTransmitConnection BOOL Signals if this instance is managing a transmit or receive connection Properties: ActiveIndexInQueue IsActive IsUp Methods: Activate CheckConnectivity Deactivate Structure: Activate (Method) ActiveIndexInQueue (Property) CheckConnectivity (Method) Deactivate (Method) IsActive (Property) IsUp (Property)
RMPConnection.Activate (METH) ¶ METHOD PUBLIC FINAL Activate Activates the connection InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input uiIndexInQueue UINT The index of the connection to be placed in the connection queue
RMPConnection.ActiveIndexInQueue (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FINAL ActiveIndexInQueue : UINT The queue index of the current active connection
RMPConnection.CheckConnectivity (METH) ¶ METHOD PUBLIC FINAL CheckConnectivity Checks whether this connection is actibe InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input xToggleMirror BOOL The current value of the local toggle bit used to check the connection
RMPConnection.Deactivate (METH) ¶ METHOD PUBLIC FINAL Deactivate Deactivates the connection
RMPConnection.IsActive (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FINAL IsActive : BOOL Returns whether the connection is active or not