Out: Scope Name Type [...] ATo Input dwTargetDeviceNumber DWORD The device
Name Type Initial [...] ATo Input dwTargetDeviceNumber DWORD The device
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ATo Input dwTargetDeviceNumber DWORD The device
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ATo Input dwTargetDeviceNumber DWORD The device
current device. If [...] different device. InOut: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] itfFirstDevice DED [...] device list eError DED.ERROR
Out: Scope Name Type [...] itfFirstDevice DED [...] device list eError DED.ERROR
device Note Use [...] ! InOut: Scope Name [...] RequestedState DED.DEVICE
device Note Use [...] ! InOut: Scope Name [...] RequestedState DED.DEVICE
Out: Scope Name Type [...] itfFirstDevice DED [...] device list eError DED.ERROR