IDataServer6.IsSwappingNeeded (METH) ¶ METHOD IsSwappingNeeded : SwappingInfo This method determines, whether the data server swaps the data it read from the remote device. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return IsSwappingNeeded SwappingInfo Input sName STRING The fully qualified name of the application on the remote device
IDataServer6.ProcessDataServerRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD ProcessDataServerRequest : UDINT Takes the given parameters and passes them to the corresponding service call in the runtime system. The return value indicates, whether the processing was successful. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ProcessDataServerRequest UDINT Input sName STRING The fully qualified name of the application on the remote device itfRequestParameter IRequestParameter This instance provides access to the (input) parameters for the request. Attention: The instance to pass here must not a local variable, because the processing in the data server is asynchronuous itfRequestResult IRequestResult This instance allows to store the result Attention: The instance to pass here must not a local variable, because the processing in the data server is asynchronuous diRequestID DINT This parameter is used to distinguish multiple calls with the same DataServerRequestIdentification
IDataServerActionRecord (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataServerActionRecord EXTENDS IProvidesConcreteType -> IGeneric Properties: ImplementingTypeId , inherited from IProvidesConcreteType Instance , inherited from IProvidesConcreteType Methods: GetInterface , inherited from IGeneric
IDataServerFrameManager (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataServerFrameManager EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Methods: GetCount GetReplacedPath GetReplacementInfo Structure: GetCount (Method) GetReplacedPath (Method) GetReplacementInfo (Method)
IDataServerFrameManager.GetCount (METH) ¶ METHOD GetCount : INT This method will return the number of replacement infos InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetCount INT
IDataServerFrameManager.GetReplacedPath (METH) ¶ METHOD GetReplacedPath : POINTER TO STRING(255) InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetReplacedPath POINTER TO STRING(255) Input pstInterfaceVar POINTER TO STRING(255) pReplacementInfo POINTER TO DataServer_StructReplacementInfo
IDataServerFrameManager.GetReplacementInfo (METH) ¶ METHOD GetReplacementInfo : POINTER TO DataServer_StructReplacementInfo InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetReplacementInfo POINTER TO DataServer_StructReplacementInfo Input pstFramePath POINTER TO STRING(255)
IDataSourceDriver (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataSourceDriver EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Properties: LastError State Methods: Connecting GetRequestResult GetSetting Initialize ReadRequest Reset ShuttingDown StartConnect StartShutdown UpdateRequest WriteRequest Structure: Connecting (Method) GetRequestResult (Method) GetSetting (Method) Initialize (Method) LastError (Property) ReadRequest (Method) Reset (Method) ShuttingDown (Method) StartConnect (Method) StartShutdown (Method) State (Property) UpdateRequest (Method) WriteRequest (Method)
IDataSourceDriver.Connecting (METH) ¶ METHOD Connecting : UDINT The driver can itself decide about how long it may take to get a connection. While he is waiting for a connection to open, he may return ERR_PENDING. When he returns an error from DoConnecting it will be shutdown and retried later. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Connecting UDINT
IDataSourceDriver.GetRequestResult (METH) ¶ METHOD GetRequestResult : DataSourceTransactionResult InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetRequestResult DataSourceTransactionResult Input dwTransactionId DWORD