SDOConfig : INT Adds a Co [...] Index:bySubIndex) to the list of [...] SDOConfig INT Input w
’t need to tag it as [...] ) pszName POINTER TO [...] Priority INT [c] IEC
Stamp POINTER TO tyIEC61850_AT_EntryTime [...] DataSetREF POINTER TO IEC [...] ConfRev tyIEC61850_AT_INT
ClError BOOL iClError INT xClCmdDone BOOL iCmdRep INT How many time a command
possible to check the current invocation time [...] udiTimeLimit input
Ua_StatusCode Called in response to [...] _IEC_HANDLE The client used to [...] . lastCounterResetTime
= TAPPETACTION.TAPPETACTION_time [...] determines the delay time [...] = TAPPETACTION.TAPPETACTION_time
used to get all [...] timeStampActive SYSTIMEDATE time
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro seconds, set to 0 to
Type Timestamp OpcUa_DateTime [...] OfStringTable OpcUa_Int32 StringTable POINTER TO Opc