EnumActionType : enum for different [...] can be extended if
Errors.library): ERR_PARAMETER if h [...] handle, or if psz [...] _NOMEMORY if the memory is
message for ui [...] . Returns 16#FFFFFFFF if [...] waiting for the
for q3 and q5 of an [...] if (and only if [...] value for axis 3 q
Axis for jumps. SMC [...] of the position If [...] GapVelocity LREAL 1 Velocity for
}\) , if there are some [...] , 2 or 255 in case
if known [...] case of null
DrawUnchecked BOOL True if the [...] case
DrawUnchecked BOOL True if the [...] case
factor for master [...] Scaling factor for [...] Mode ramp_in_dist . If