Element (Interface) LintValue [...] Element (Interface) BoolValue [...] Element (Interface) DintValue
TimestampLocalToUTC LINT Input value [...] TimestampLocalToUTC : LINT InOut: Scope
_Types Literal type liValue LINT Literal value rValue [...] value of filter by
TypeClass value. m_liValue LINT The latch value as “raw” value m_xValue
value liValue LINT [...] filterValue WSTRING Filter value Output
CpuAtomicAdd64 LINT Input piValue [...] CpuAtomicAdd64 : LINT <description [...] the value to the
Cmd PROC_CMD eCommand liValue LINT Output e
latch variables liLatchVarValue LINT The latch value as “raw” value. If
Element (Interface) LintValue [...] Element (Method) IContainsValue (Interface) ContainsValue