time format used to [...] date and time format [...] conversion We must not use
to set the initial [...] name iCmdRep INT How many time a command
Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro [...] infinite time out. Inout
Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro [...] infinite time out. Inout
Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro [...] infinite time out. Inout
SlaveTimeout TIME TIME#1s0ms Time for this Slave to [...] Instance POINTER TO Modbus
SlaveTimeout TIME TIME#1s0ms Time for this Slave to [...] Instance POINTER TO Modbus
INT The identifier [...] state ActivationTime TIME The time stamp
value to a certain [...] block is similar to RAMP_INT with the
Type Ticket to use s [...] Frames INT Frames pFrames POINTER TO ARRAY [0..3