_PQI : STRUCT PROFINET Port [...] of the Device respectively InOut: Name
.INDEX := TO_INT ( ProfinetCommon.DiagnosisRecordIndex.Device [...] the Field Device [...] .g. Profinet Diagnosis- or I
identifying the device in [...] FB- or Profinet
profinet device Error [...] _only InOut: Name [...] ErrorInvalidDevice
.INDEX := TO_INT ( ProfinetCommon.DiagnosisRecordIndex.Device [...] establishes a Profinet DeviceAccess-AR or a
subslot of a PROFINET IO Device to a [...] .SYSTEM := CommFB.IO_SYSTEM_TYPE.PROFINET
_IF_AR_ABORT_IND_IND_T : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] _PACKET_HEADER_T hDevice [...] Profinet error code
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ID of a profinet device or submodule.
received from a profinet device. Example: check [...] device PROGRAM PLC
Profinet device STACK [...] (Profibus DP, Profinet IO [...] _only InOut: Name