Logging ¶ OpcUaStatusCodeToString (Function)
OpcUaStatusCodeToString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OpcUaStatusCodeToString : STRING InOut: Scope Name Type Return OpcUaStatusCodeToString STRING Input status OpcUa_StatusCode
UserConfigurationV1 (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK UserConfigurationV1 IMPLEMENTS IUserConfiguration The user provided configuration for the connection to the opc ua server See the opc ua standard on how to interpret theses parameters. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input xValid BOOL Is the data ready to be read? The datasource will wait until this field is set to true, until the other fields are ready and the connection is established. Set this value to FALSE, while the datasource is connected to disconnect. SessionName STRING(255) ‘MySession’ The name of the session used. (OPC UA Standard value) EndpointUrl STRING(255) The uri of the endpoint to connect to. (OPC UA Standard value) TokenType OpcUa_UserTokenType OpcUa_UserTokenType.OpcUa_UserTokenType_Anonymous The UserTokenType that is used to authenticate the user (OPC UA Standard value) UserTokenUserName STRING ‘’ If the TokenType is set to OpcUa_UserTokenType_Username, the user name used for the connection is read from here. SecurityPolicyUri STRING(255) ‘ http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None ’ The security policy used (OPC UA Standard value) SecurityMode OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode.OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode_None The security mode used (OPC UA Standard value) SessionTimeout TIME TIME#60m0s0ms The time until the session is terminated, if the client/server do not respond. (OPC UA Standard value) SubscriptionPublishingInterval TIME TIME#1s0ms How often does the server send values to the client. (OPC UA Standard value) SubscriptionMaxKeepAliveCount UDINT 5 (OPC UA Standard value) SubscriptionLifetimeCount UDINT 15 Must be at least three times the SubscriptionLifetimeCount (OPC UA Standard value) SubscriptionMaxItemsPerPublish UDINT 3000 The maximal number of items that are sent in a single publish message. (OPC UA Standard value) SamplingInterval TIME TIME#1s0ms How often the current value is read on the server and made ready for publishing, should be equal to SubscriptionPublishingInterval. (OPC UA Standard value) ConnectionTimeout TIME TIME#20s0ms The time the datasource client will wait for the server to respond to the initial connection. (Datasource specific value) MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall DINT 500 The maximal number of monitored items that can be created with a single call to the server. If the server provides the node ‘Server.ServerCapabilities.MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall’, the minimum of this value and the server provided value is used. If the value is bigger than the value the server supports, the connection might fail. Properties: Ready Methods: Assign Structure: Assign (Method) Ready (Property)
UserConfigurationV1.Assign (METH) ¶ METHOD Assign : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return Assign ERROR Input dst POINTER TO BYTE
UserConfigurationV1.Ready (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Ready : BOOL
Utils ¶ HasNullOrEmptySecurityPolicy (Function) SafeStringCopy (Function) TryAdjustData_Int (Function) TryAdjustData_Real (Function) TryAdjustData_UInt (Function)
HasNullOrEmptySecurityPolicy (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION HasNullOrEmptySecurityPolicy : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return HasNullOrEmptySecurityPolicy BOOL Inout Const policy OpcUa_UserTokenPolicy
SafeStringCopy (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SafeStringCopy : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return SafeStringCopy DINT Input pstrSource POINTER TO STRING pstrDest POINTER TO STRING
TryAdjustData_Int (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION TryAdjustData_Int : BOOL Convert from src type to destination type if both types are signed integers InOut: Scope Name Type Return TryAdjustData_Int BOOL Input src POINTER TO BYTE srcOpcType OpcUa_BuiltInType dst POINTER TO BYTE dstOpcType OpcUa_BuiltInType
TryAdjustData_Real (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION TryAdjustData_Real : BOOL Convert from src type to destination type if both types are floating point numbers InOut: Scope Name Type Return TryAdjustData_Real BOOL Input src POINTER TO BYTE srcOpcType OpcUa_BuiltInType dst POINTER TO BYTE dstOpcType OpcUa_BuiltInType