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, CAA.gc_hINVALID if [...] 1 and CB
: Resets outputs If a [...] only reset if either [...] cycle. xAbort BOOL If
BACnet-Network. If [...] BACnet-Network. If an [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS.BACNET_STATUS_OK If an error
(Real IdentData + IOs [...] if data is valid
If a falling edge [...] only reset if either [...] Com USINT 1 Index of
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AddrOffset DINT Only valid, if [...] Address. (e.g. “-1” to move [...] _NODE_ADDR_LEN - 1)] OF CHCAddressComponent
ChannelServer Description 1 ¶ This [...] are fired if a [...] tables ¶ 1 Based on
the value 1: Value [...] data type (byData[1 [...] only be accessed, if