Initialize : BOOL In [...] Return Initialize BOOL [...] RowCount INT b
FctWriteValueIfValid INT Input pstToWrite POINTER TO STRING pDataToWriteTo [...] FctWriteValueIfValid : INT InOut: Scope
is analogous to [...] output bits to switch in analogy to a
UntransformWidth : INT This [...] UntransformWidth INT The [...] Width INT A transformed
Height : INT This method is [...] UntransformHeight INT The [...] Height INT A transformed
Width : INT This method is [...] UntransformWidth INT The [...] Width INT A transformed
_AF_UNSPEC INT 0 unspecified SOCKET_AF_LOCAL INT 1 local to host (pipes
NextElementIndex : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] NextElementIndex BOOL Input iElemIndex INT
RegisteredVisus : INT Will return the [...] copied to the array In [...] RegisteredVisus INT Input p
RegisteredFrames : INT Will return the [...] copied to the array In [...] RegisteredFrames INT Input p