_REF_ETC_DS402_CS InOut: Scope Name [...] SWMaxTorque LREAL FPU.Get [...] _TG_IRAMPTYPE Instance of ramp type
_REF_ETC_DS402_CS InOut: Scope Name [...] SWMaxTorque LREAL FPU.Get [...] _TG_IRAMPTYPE Instance of ramp type
return value for GET [...] _only InOut: Name
message (CL2.GetMessageDataPointer, CL2.Get [...] (function name can be
path to get rotated [...] not get rotated [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Name Type Initial [...] dataserver did not get [...] variable name in the
MBConstants (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name [...] Slave that get
Name Type Initial [...] be get from other
Common.DiagnosisRecordIndex.Device ); // = 16#F80C --> get [...] Out: Scope Name Type
MBConstants (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name [...] Slave that get