Logging ¶ Assert (Function) ErrorToString [...] Log_Binary (Function) MonLog_CurrentTime
(Method) OutRealTimeStream (FunctionBlock) CommitTo [...] ) Write (Method) OutString
OpcUa_Double DateTime OpcUa_DateTime String_cds OpcUa_String
to set the initial [...] AppName STRING(80) Application [...] many time a command
ErrorInstance STRING tTimeStamp TIME [...] serves to read the [...] ErrorInstance POINTER TO BYTE Points
ExtEventName REFERENCE TO STRING p [...] ExtEventName needs to be [...] constant string, a
(Function) ErrorToString [...] BuildItemErrorCode (Function) UtilByteToHexString [...] GetHostName (Function) UtilGuidToString
time format used to [...] date and time format [...] an attribute to
values. We want to [...] time. We define a string array str
want to create a [...] same time. We define a string array