_axesCS ARRAY [0..(OFFLINE [...] XYChartAxisClientSpecific g_curvesCS ARRAY [...] _MAX_AXIS INT 30 OFFLINE
DataSetRef POINTER TO ARRAY [0..C [...] MaxDataSetIx DINT nArrayIx INT
StringLength OpcUa_Int32 MaxByteStringLength OpcUa_Int32 MaxArray [...] Timeout OpcUa_Int32 Use
Strings POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] to create a table [...] a string array
_pBitmapTable POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] _udiLastError UDINT g_iOffsetX INT g_iOffsetY INT g
INT Error ARRAY [0 [...] ENABLE BOOL Device INT StationAddr INT Slot
INT Error ARRAY [0 [...] ENABLE BOOL Device INT StationAddr INT Slot
Stack ARRAY [0..(MAX_POSITION_DEPTH * 2)] OF INT iCurrentPos INT
RawMessage POINTER TO tyISO_SPDU aDestMac ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE [...] SrcMac ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE
Points ARRAY [0..3] OF VisuFbPointF Methods: GetAsIntRect MoveBy RotateBy SetAsInt