IDataItemBase ¶ ErrorCode (Property) Quality (Property) TimeStamp
timestamp, that has been [...] timestamp is always [...] timestamp can be
NotifiableTransitionOfAlarm (Function) ConvertTimestampToLDateAndTime (Function) DT_to_Timestamp (Function) DT_to_Timestamp
maximum timestamp [...] StorageReaderErrors Output liMinTimestamp [...] timestamp liMaxTimestamp
or not Output liMinTimestamp [...] timestamp liMaxTimestamp [...] timestamp
Comment Input liFirstTimestamp [...] timestamp for which data [...] trend storage liLastTimestamp
DataItem.TimeStamp (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY TimeStamp : TIME
IDataItemBase.TimeStamp (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY TimeStamp : TIME
returns the timestamp [...] > ptTimestamp [...] <param name=”ptTimestamp
IsIntervalElapsed BOOL Input startTimestamp TIMESTAMP tInterval TIME