DateTimeCmp INT Inout dt1 Cmp [...] DateTimeCmp : INT Compares two [...] _BACNET_DATE_TIME Return 0 -> dt1=dt
CompareString : INT [...] equal -1 -> ps1 is less than ps2 1
CompareWString : INT [...] equal -1 -> pw1 is less than pw2 1
TCPComState.OFF iChannelIndex INT -1 Input x
DirectionR INT 1 Direction of
DirectionR INT 1 Direction of
DirectionR INT 1 Direction of
FistSubElementIx INT -1 = kein Index [...] 1 ist, der [...] 61850_TRGOPT_NONE, 1=IEC
SysInt Library [...] System Title SysInt [...] H Placeholder SysInt
page) iLineWidth INT 1 Line thick [...] ) iRotationLb INT