AdditionalLeft INT Can be used to [...] AdditionalTop INT Can be used to [...] AdditionalRight INT Can be used to
¶ SysTimeRtcConvertDateToHighRes (Function) SysTimeRtcConvertHighResToDate (Function) SysTimeRtcConvertHighResTo
Tot tyIEC61850_AT_INT [...] ..31] OF tyIEC61850_AT_INT [...] ] OF tyIEC61850_AT_INT
SimpleRectangle BOOL Input iX INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT p
Hostname REFERENCE TO STRING pAliasList POINTER TO POINTER TO [...] HostAddrType INT iLengthAddr INT
ForceSwap : INT Swaps the given [...] ForceSwap INT Input pbyBuffer POINTER TO BYTE i
want to create a [...] same time. We define [...] ; Corresponding to the i
values. We want to [...] time. We define a [...] ; Corresponding to the i
RegisteredVisusBlockwise : INT Will return the [...] copied to the array In [...] RegisteredVisusBlockwise INT Input p
RegisteredDialogsBlockwise : INT Will return the [...] copied to the array In [...] RegisteredDialogsBlockwise INT Input p