. InOut: Name Type [...] FrameNo INT 0 In this [...] _Y) OR ADDAXIS_Z) Bit
FctEventIdStackPopHelp : DWORD InOut: Scope [...] FctEventIdStackPopHelp DWORD Input bit
_INIT_PARAMETERS : STRUCT InOut: Name Type byMode BYTE byCycleTime BYTE byFormat BYTE
. InOut: Scope Name [...] outputs operate in the [...] completed or in the event
61850_ArrayBits_SwapLeft BOOL Input pByteIn POINTER TO BYTE pByte [...] 61850_ArrayBits_SwapLeft : BOOL InOut: Scope
Reader EXTENDS MEMUtils.ByteBuffer InOut: Scope Name [...] Buffer POINTER TO BYTE Byte
Writer EXTENDS MEMUtils.ByteBuffer InOut: Scope Name [...] Buffer POINTER TO BYTE Byte
Lower BYTE Input byIn BYTE [...] ) ¶ FUNCTION ToLower : BYTE InOut: Scope Name
61850_SimpleClock : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Monat BYTE byTag BYTE byWTag BYTE byStunde BYTE
_SL_PRM_SET : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] _Flag BYTE slave related [...] Slave_Typ BYTE type of slave