DEVICE_STATE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DEVICE_STATE : Describes the state of the CANopen network layer, as defined in /DS-301/. The states INIT , RESET_COMM , RESET_APP , PRE_OPERATIONAL , STOPPED , OPERATIONAL correspond to the same states in /DS-301/. The state UNKNOWN is used, if the actual state of the device is not known (for example, if no guarding is performed). The state NOT_AVAIL is used, if it is known, that the device is not available (for example, if guarding is performed and the device does not answer). Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name INIT RESET_COMM RESET_APP PRE_OPERATIONAL STOPPED OPERATIONAL UNKNOWN NOT_AVAIL
CAA Device Diagnosis ¶ Enums BUS_STATE (Enum) BUS_TYPE (Enum) DEVICE_STATE (Enum) DEVICE_TRANSITION_STATE (Enum) DEVICE_TYPE (Enum) ERROR (Enum) LOGGER_MODE (Enum) PROC_CMD (Enum) PROC_STATE (Enum) Function Blocks Bus GetBusError (FunctionBlock) Device GetDeviceError (FunctionBlock) GetSpecificDeviceError (FunctionBlock) Reconfigure Reconfigure (FunctionBlock) Stack GetBusScan (FunctionBlock) Utility GetIDeviceInstByIoAddr (FunctionBlock) Functions CanReconfigure (Function) GetNextNode (Function) GetNodeDepth (Function) GetRoot (Function) INode_TO_IBus (Function) INode_TO_IDevice (Function) INode_TO_IDevice2 (Function) INode_TO_IStack (Function) Global Constants ERROR_CODES (GVL) Interfaces IBus (Interface) Fieldbus-dependent-methods GetSpecificBusState (Method) GetBusDiagnosisInfo (Method) GetBusErrorAsync (Method) GetBusInfo (Method) GetBusState (Method) GetQoS (Method) IDevice (Interface) Fieldbus-dependent-methods GetSpecificDeviceErrorAsync (Method) GetSpecificDeviceState (Method) GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo (Method) GetDeviceErrorAsync (Method) GetDeviceInfo (Method) GetDeviceState (Method) SetCommunicationState (Method) IDevice2 (Interface) CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState (Method) CheckSupportedCommunicationState (Method) ILogger (Interface) DisableLogger (Method) EnableLogger (Method) GetLogEntry (Method) INode (Folder) ChildNodeCount (Property) Enable (Property) FirstChildNode (Property) IsRootNode (Property) NextSiblingNode (Property) ParentNode (Property) SiblingNodeCount (Property) IReconfigureProvider (Folder) ReconfigureActive (Property) ReconfigureAsync (Method) RegisterIRPChild (Method) SiblingIRP (Property) IStack (Interface) GetBusScanAsync (Method) GetLogger (Method) Internal Diag Base CAADiagDeviceDefault (FunctionBlock) GetDeviceInfo (Method) GetDeviceState (Method) CAADiagTreeBase (FunctionBlock) INode ChildNodeCount (Property) Enable (Property) FirstChildNode (Property) IsRootNode (Property) NextSiblingNode (Property) ParentNode (Property) SiblingNodeCount (Property) CAAReconfigureBase (FunctionBlock) BeginReconfigure (Method) EndReconfigure (Method) IReconfigureProvider ReconfigureActive (Property) ReconfigureAsync (Method) RegisterIRPChild (Method) SiblingIRP (Property) Initialize_Diag (Method) Reconfigure-Implementations ReconfigureChildrenAsync (Method) ReconfigureIoDriverAsync (Method) Structs BUS_INFO (Struct) DEVICE_INFO (Struct) ERROR_INFO (Struct) LOG_ENTRY (Struct) QOS_INFO (Struct)
BUS_STATE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE BUS_STATE : This enumeration lists all possible states of a fieldbus. The mapping to the according fieldbus specific states is defined by the associated fieldbus stack. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment UNKNOWN The bus state is unknown. STOPPED The fieldbus is stopped. No I/O transfer can be processed. RUNNING The fieldbus is running. ERROR The fieldbus is in error state. GetBusError supplies the specific error code. DISABLED Bus is disabled in device tree.
BUS_TYPE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE BUS_TYPE : This enumeration lists all available fieldbus types. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment UNKNOWN 16#0 unknown fieldbus PROFIBUS_DP 16#1 Profibus DP CAN 16#2 CAN bus CANOPEN 16#3 CANopen DEVICENET 16#4 DeviceNet ETHERCAT 16#5 EtherCAT PROFINET_IO 16#6 ProfiNet I/O ETHERNET_IP 16#7 EtherNet/IP SERCOSII 16#8 Sercos II SERCOSIII 16#9 Sercos III MODBUS_TCP 16#A Modbus TCP MODBUS_RTU 16#B Modbus RTU AS_INTERFACE 16#C AS Interface INTERBUS 16#D Interbus J1939 16#E J1939 LON 16#F LON CC_LINK 16#10 CC Link POWERLINK 16#11 Powerlink ETHERNET 16#12 Ethernet SERIAL_LINE 16#13 serial line VEN_SPEC 16#14 vendor-specific fieldbus FIRST_MF 16#8000 first manufacturer fieldbus LAST 16#FFFF last manufacturer fieldbus
DEVICE_STATE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DEVICE_STATE : This enumeration lists all possible states of a device. The mapping to the according fieldbus specific states is defined by the associated fieldbus stack. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment UNKNOWN The device state is unknown. Example: No supervision mechanism active. STOPPED The device is stopped. RUNNING The device is running. ERROR The device is in error state. GetDeviceError may supply a specific error code. DISABLED The device is disabled in device tree. NOT_CONFIGURED The device has not yet been configured by the stack. Example: Configuration phase not started yet. CONFIGURED The device has been configured by the stack. Example: Configuration phase finished but device is not in running state. NOT_FOUND The device was not found on bus.
DEVICE_TRANSITION_STATE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DEVICE_TRANSITION_STATE : This enumeration lists all possible commands which can be executed on a device. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment START Set device into running mode. STOP Set device into stopped mode. RESET Restarts the device and triggers a new configuration.
DEVICE_TYPE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DEVICE_TYPE : This enumeration lists all available device types. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment UNKNOWN 16#0 unknown device FIELDBUS_MASTER 16#1 fieldbus master FIELDBUS_SLAVE 16#2 fieldbus slave SAFETY_DEVICE 16#3 safety device SM_DEVICE 16#4 SoftMotion device SOFT_VISION_DEVICE 16#5 SoftVision device DTM_DEVICE 16#6 DTM device SPEC_IO_MODULE 16#7 Specific I/O module PLC 16#1000 Standard PLC SAFETY_PLC 16#1002 Safety PLC DRIVE 16#1003 drive device PARAM_DEVICE 16#1004 parameterizable device HMI 16#1005 HMI device SM_PLC 16#1006 SoftMotion PLC
ERROR (ENUM) ¶ TYPE ERROR : This enumeration describes errors which may occur when working with the functions of this library. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment NO_ERROR 0 no error FIRST_ERROR 1300 first library-specific error TIME_OUT 1301 Timeout occured. ABORT 1302 Operation was aborted. REF_INVALID 1303 The interface reference was invalid. NOT_SUPPORTED 1304 The function is not supported. ERROR_IO 1305 A general I/O configuration error occured. PARAM_INVALID 1306 Invalid parameter. NODE_NOT_EXISTING 1307 The specified node does not exist. NO_MEMORY 1308 Dynamic memory allocation is disabled or system is out of memory. ADR_NOT_FOUND 1309 The specified I/O address is not valid. INST_NOT_FOUND 1310 There is no associated IDevice instance for the specified I/O address. NO_DATA 1311 There is no data available. OPERATION_INVALID 1312 Operation not possible due to the current state FIRST_MF 1350 first manufacturer-specific error LAST_ERROR 1399 last error
LOGGER_MODE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE LOGGER_MODE : This enumeration lists all possible logger modes for a bus logger. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment LINEAR Logger uses a linear logging buffer and stops logging if buffer is full. CIRCULAR Logger uses a circular logging buffer and overwrites old entries if buffer is full.