IPAddress REFERENCE TO STRING IP [...] to wait until reply pulReplyTime
NotifiableTransitionOfAlarm (Function) ConvertTimestampToLDateAndTime (Function) DT_to_Timestamp (Function) DT_to
Constants (GVL) ErrorTo [...] _Init (Method) PtrTo [...] ) ValueTo
time. Example [...] value TM DWORD Time [...] : OUT is set to zero
ExpiredMessages Delete EnlargeExpirationTime [...] MessageForReceiver GetMessageTo [...] ) EnlargeExpirationTime
method has to be called once to [...] system tMaxWaitTime
that prevents to use [...] occurred TimeBudgetExceeded The time budget
.IQueryInterface Interface to provide [...] ReorderingFailure LastReorderingTime [...] DatabaseFileSize (Method) LastReorderingTime
to wait until reply Output udiReplyTime [...] Time of the ping
cycle. ETrigTo udiTime [...] _SendBuffer EXTENDS CBM.ETrigTo [...] function block serves to