USecToTick (Function) GetElapsedTimeInNSec (Function) GetElapsedTimeIn
Ua_Annotation : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Ua_String AnnotationTime OpcUa_DateTime
in time e [...] valid node. In [...] IQueueableNode Output ltTime
_FBERROR : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] ErrorInstance STRING tTimeStamp TIME
the first time, the start time of the [...] current time. See
: STRUCT InOut: Name [...] output; Several time [...] First time from which
summer time in Germany [...] exact time. “ui [...] Second” define the exact time
_INIT_PARAMETERS : STRUCT InOut: Name Type byMode BYTE byCycleTime [...] byWatchDogTime
VarUDPDiagStruct : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] SendCount UDINT tLastSend TIME [...] LastReceive TIME n
block InOut: Name [...] the error tTimeStamp TIME The time of the