ModuleType DWORD dwInstance DWORD dwParameterId DWORD pData POINTER
ModuleType DWORD dwInstance DWORD dwParameterId DWORD pData POINTER
GetTags : POINTER TO BYTE In [...] GetTags POINTER TO BYTE Input dwNumTags DWORD p
) ¶ FUNCTION ntohDW : DWORD Converts a dword from network to host byte
Spec : DWORD This function servers to create the [...] DWORD, which is
_MemSet : DWORD InOut: Scope [...] _MemSet DWORD Input pbyBuffer POINTER TO BYTE by
DWORD Handle to a PN [...] _ID : DWORD InOut: Scope [...] _ID DWORD Input EN BOOL
state according to [...] State POINTER TO ARRAY [0..3] OF DWORD p