ISO8601_TO_DT (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ISO8601_TO_DT : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return ISO8601_TO_DT ERROR Output dtValue DT Inout sValue ISO8601
ISO8601_TO_LTIME (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ISO8601_TO_LTIME : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return ISO8601_TO_LTIME ERROR Output ltValue LTIME Inout sValue ISO8601
ISO8601_TO_TIME (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ISO8601_TO_TIME : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return ISO8601_TO_TIME ERROR Output tValue TIME Inout sValue ISO8601
LTIME_TO_INT64 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION LTIME_TO_INT64 : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return LTIME_TO_INT64 ERROR Input ltValue LTIME Output i64Value INT64
LTIME_TO_ISO8601 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION LTIME_TO_ISO8601 : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return LTIME_TO_ISO8601 ERROR Input ltValue LTIME Inout sValue ISO8601
REAL8_TO_DT (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION REAL8_TO_DT : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return REAL8_TO_DT ERROR Input r8Value REAL8 Output dtValue DT
CDSV3ProtocolUtils Library Documentation ¶ Company 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Title CDSV3ProtocolUtils Version Categories Intern|DataSources Namespace CDSV3Prot Author 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Placeholder CDSV3ProtocolUtils Description 1 ¶ This library contains interfaces and function blocks used to build up the layer 7 communication protocol of CODESYS. Contents: ¶ BuildAndEnqueueV3Request (Function) Constants (GVL) Errors (GVL) ICDSV3RequestBuilder (Interface) BuildRequest (Method) GetDataBuffer (Method) GetDataBufferSize (Method) GetService (Method) GetServiceGroup (Method) RequestEnqueued (Method) ICDSV3RequestCallback (Interface) SetTargetByteorder (Method) IRequestResult (Interface) IsReplyPending (Method) SetReplyPending (Method) IServiceReader (Interface) GetContent (Method) GetContentSize (Method) GetUnreadContent (Method) GetUnreadContentSize (Method) IgnoreBytes (Method) IsDataTag (Property) MoveDown (Method) MoveNext (Method) MoveNextConditional (Method) MoveUp (Method) ReadByte (Method) ReadBytes (Method) ReadBytesSwapped (Method) ReadDWord (Method) ReadLWord (Method) ReadString (Method) ReadWString (Method) ReadWord (Method) TagId (Property) ValidTag (Property) IServiceWriter (Interface) AppendRaw (Method) WriteByte (Method) WriteBytes (Method) WriteBytesSwapped (Method) WriteComplexStartTag (Method) WriteDWord (Method) WriteDWordSwapped (Method) WriteDataStartTag (Method) WriteEndTag (Method) WriteFillBytes (Method) WriteLWord (Method) WriteLWordSwapped (Method) WritePString (Method) WriteString (Method) WriteWord (Method) WriteWordSwapped (Method) Intern Utilities ProtocolDataUnit (Struct) ServiceHeader (Struct) ServiceReader (FunctionBlock) Alive (Property) Create (Method) CreateDynamic (Method) Destroy (Method) FB_Exit (Method) ITaggedServiceReader ServiceRequest (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) FB_Exit (Method) RestoreSavepoint (Method) StoreSavepoint (Method) Writer (Property) override ServiceRequestBase (FunctionBlock) ContentPtr (Property) Create (Method) Data (Property) DataValid (Property) FB_Exit (Method) Finish (Method) HaveToSwap (Property) Header (Property) abstract ServiceRequestRaw (FunctionBlock) RawData (Property) override ServiceResponse (FunctionBlock) ContentData (Property) ContentSize (Property) Create (Method) CreatePDU (Method) Destroy (Method) FB_Exit (Method) Header (Property) Reader (Property) private ServiceWriter (FunctionBlock) Alive (Property) Create (Method) CreateDynamic (Method) Destroy (Method) FB_Exit (Method) Finish (Method) Handle (Property) ITaggedServiceWriter ServiceWriterSavepoint (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) FreeSavepoint (Method) Init (Method) Restore (Method) Store (Method) Utilities UtilGetLocalByteorder (Function) UtilGetLocalByteorderAtRuntime (Function) UtilIsGeneralErrorReply (Function) UtilIsIntelByteorder (Function) UtilIsToSwap (Function) UtilsWriteBYTE (Function) UtilsWriteString (Function) UtilsWriteUDINT (Function) UtilsWriteUINT (Function) UtilsWriteULINT (Function) Indices and tables ¶ 1 Based on CDSV3ProtocolUtils.library, last modified 14.02.2022, 17:44:06. LibDoc The content file CDSV3ProtocolUtils.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 14.02.2022, 17:44:06.
BuildAndEnqueueV3Request (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BuildAndEnqueueV3Request : UDINT This function can be used to build a CDSV3 request and enqueue it in a given datasource. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BuildAndEnqueueV3Request UDINT An UDINT representing the error code of the processing. 0 in case of success Input itfDatasource IDatasources.IDatasource An instance of IDatasource, where the request will be enqueued. itfCDSV3RequestBuilder ICDSV3RequestBuilder An instance of ICDSV3RequestBuilder, that is able to build the request itfRequestCallback IDatasources.ICustomRequestCallback An instance of ICustomRequestCallback, that will be informed if the result of the request is available Output eRemoteByteorder IDatasources.ByteOrder Returns the byte order of the PLC to which the request will be sent xHasToSwap BOOL Returns TRUE if the PLC to which the request will be sent has a different byte order itfCDSV3Request IDatasources.ICDSV3Request Returns the ICDSV3Request instance, that has to be released after the result was retrieved (in method RequestFinished by calling ICDSV3RequestHandling.ReleaseRequest)
Constants (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Constant HeaderTagStandard UINT 16#CD55 TAG_GeneralError UINT 16#FF7F TAG_ExtendedErrorInfo UINT 16#FF7E