LastInputOffset POINTER TO WORD pnLastOutputOffset POINTER TO WORD h
Tokens POINTER TO WORD This is [...] Tokens WORD The number of
AndWriteSpecificOutput PrepareLatchControlWord ProcessLatchStatusWord [...] PrepareLatchControlWord
_IEC_RESULT Input usBus WORD [...] > usDevice WORD [...] > usFunction WORD
EndOfData SetPointers WordCapacity WordQueueFull Word [...] Pointers (Method) Word
_CmpMgr_Shutdown WORD 16#1 IDs for [...] _CmpMgr_Shutdown WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpMgr_DisableOperation WORD 16#2 EVTVERSION
Swap ¶ SwapDword (Function) SwapLword (Function) SwapWord
contained “wLowWord”, “wHighWord [...] 00000011 00000100 -> byLowWord = 16#0304 byHighWord
BACnetIPdatalink.UDP_Port (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY UDP_Port : WORD UPD port