to SysTime [...] type in contrast to [...] SysTime
Ua_UInt32 PublishTime OpcUa_DateTime [...] Ua_Int32 NotificationData POINTER TO
related to client [...] LastDuration TIME Last duration time uiErrCount UINT
High resolution time datatype to hold ticks
serves to read the [...] ErrorInstance POINTER TO BYTE Points to the function
implementation is supposed to [...] Object.LastRestartReason and DeviceObject.Time [...] Hooks Password TimeZone UpdateTime
a udiTimeLimit or a udiTime [...] ) | IETrigTo (ITF
time is reset to the [...] start time and the trigger. In contrast to
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro seconds, set to 0 to
ETrigTo udiTime [...] time for executing [...] operating time limit